Legal Insights: Your Guide To Expert Law Practices And Advice

The Grey Divorce
Understanding The Grey Divorce Phenomenon As the baby boomers age and their marriages fall apart, unique issues must be dealt with in the divorce. The “Grey Divorce” is relevant to a marriage in which one or both of the spouses is 55 or older. Social Security And Long-Term Marriages If […]
Bosshard Parke Law nominated to the La Cross Tribune’s “Best of the Best” reader poll for Best Law Firm in 2017.
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is proud to announce that we were nominated to the La Cross Tribune’s “Best of the Best” reader poll for Best Law Firm in 2017.
Court Rules Bankrupt Debtor Who ‘Surrenders’ Home Cannot Challenge Foreclosure
A recent US Court of Appeals case held that a debtor who files of statement of intention to surrender mortgaged property in bankruptcy court cannot still oppose the creditor’s foreclosure of the property in state court. David Failla, et al. v. Citibank NA, Case No. 15-15626 (11th Cir. 2016). The […]
2016 List of Best Law Firms
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is proud to announce that, once again, U.S.News – Best Lawyers has ranked the firm in on its list of “Best Law Firms” in Wisconsin for the year 2016. The U.S.News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes […]
A new law signed by Governor Scott Walker reduces the foreclosure redemption period available to property owners who have defaulted on their mortgages. When an owner defaults on a mortgage and the bank initiates foreclosure proceedings to recover the property as collateral, Wisconsin law affords the owner a certain period […]
Minnesota is among the top five states in the nation with the highest income tax rates according to the Tax Foundation. Minnesota is also one of fifteen states that impose an estate tax. In 2015, Forbes magazine rated Minnesota among the five worst states for taxes. See “The Best and […]
Estate Planning For Digital Assets
In today’s digital age, our lives are increasingly cluttered with various online accounts and ever-changing passwords. It’s hard to keep track of it all. Imagine how difficult this would be for your next of kin if something should happen to you. Does your spouse and/or loved ones know how to […]
Banking Law Update: Bank Required To Show It Has “Original” Note To Foreclose
The Wisconsin Court of Appeals recently ruled against a bank seeking to foreclose a residential mortgage, serving as a reminder to financial institutions to make sure they have their paperwork in order before they go to court. In Bank of America v. Yahn, Appeal No. 2015AP936 (Wis. Ct. App. Dec. […]
Estate and Gift Tax Planning in 2016
For the year 2016, the amount a person can pass during his or her lifetime or upon death free of estate and gift tax will increase due to an inflation adjustment. Effective January 1, 2016, the federal estate and gift tax exclusion amount will be $5,450,000 per person (up from […]