Legal Insights: Your Guide To Expert Law Practices And Advice

Attorney Laura Seaton Receives TOP 10 Attorney 2018
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce that family law attorney Laura Seaton was recently chose to receive the TOP 10 Attorney 2018 Award for the state of Wisconsin by the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA). The recognition is based on Laura’s dedication to excellence in the practice […]

How Student Loans Are Evaluated In The Context Of A Wisconsin Divorce
In a community property state such as Wisconsin, spouses are considered equal owners of all marital property, and assets are split 50-50 during a divorce. Many people (including some uninformed lawyers) think that student loans are not marital and simply go to the person who incurred the debt; the logic […]

2018 Will Bring More OWI Law Changes
The Wisconsin Legislature has a number of bills in the works related to OWI laws. Keeping with the current nationwide trends, Wisconsin has been passing legislation that results in tougher penalties for OWI offenders. 2017 Senate Bill 135 and 2017 Assembly Bill 197 provide for permanent revocation of a person’s […]
Sabina Bosshard: Best Lawyers in America
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce that Attorney Sabina Bosshard has been once again selected by her peers for inclusion in the 24th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America. The achievement is recognition for Sabina’s high caliber of work in the practice area of Family Law. She has […]

Foreclosure Update: Fair Value Determination; Liability Of Guarantor
In a Door County foreclosure case involving a personal guaranty, the Wisconsin Supreme Court will decide whether a stipulated judgment signed by the bank, the borrower, and the guarantor (and accepted by the court) governs the value of the foreclosed property to be credited against the guaranty. In Horizon Bank, N.A. […]
Bosshard Parke Law named Best Law Firm on La Crosse Tribune’s Best of the Best List 2017
Bosshard | Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce it has been named Best Law Firm on La Crosse Tribune’s Best of the Best List 2017. At Bosshard | Parke Ltd., we help our clients solve legal problems and seize financial opportunities. Our legacy of service extends more than a century. […]
Bosshard Parke Law named to U.S. News and World Report’s 2017 List of Best Law Firms in Wisconsin
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is proud to announce that, once again, U.S.News – Best Lawyers has ranked the firm in on its list of “Best Law Firms” in Wisconsin for the year 2017. The U.S.News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes […]
Attorney Laura Seaton 10 Best Family Law Attorneys 2017
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce that family law attorney Laura J. Seaton was recently selected for membership as one of the “10 Best Family Law Attorneys for Minnesota”. The recognition is based on Laura’s client satisfaction rating. Congratulations, Laura!

When Can My Child Choose Their Preferred Parent To Live With?
The general answer to the above query, under Wisconsin law, is a child cannot ever decide until the individual child reaches the age of majority. However, the analysis does not end there, with regards to the expressed wishes of a minor child to a Guardian ad Litem in a child’s […]