Legal Insights: Your Guide To Expert Law Practices And Advice

Enforceability Of Marital Property Agreements In The Event Of A Divorce
Marital Property Agreements (also referred to as Prenuptial Agreements) serve a useful purpose to avoid confusion over finances and expectations when entering a marriage, and clarify financial relationships during a marriage. This certainty can provide peace of mind for both parties given the fact that the majority of divorces result […]

Sabina Bosshard Awarded TOP 10 Attorney 2019
Sabina Bosshard has been chosen to receive this year’s prestigious TOP 10 Attorney Award for the state of Wisconsin, from the National Academy of Family Law Attorneys (NAFLA). Through a multi-phase selection process, Sabina was selected by NAFLA to receive its highest honor, a recognition of her hard work and […]

Understanding Dissolution Of Marriage In Minnesota
Divorce procedures vary by state, and understanding the nuances is crucial. In Minnesota, unlike Wisconsin and California, divorce is referred to as “Dissolution of Marriage.” Unlike community property states, Minnesota adopts a no-fault stance. This means that marital misconduct, like having an affair, won’t influence the division of assets or […]

Reopening Foreclosure Action In Wisconsin: The Deutsche Bank Case
A Wisconsin appeals court recently reviewed the issuance of a summary judgment, regarding a bank’s right to reopen a foreclosure action where terms of a previous stipulation agreement were not followed and a mortgage remained unsatisfied. In Deutsche Bank National Trust Company v. Brittany A. Buboltz and Alec M. Dishaw, […]

Foreclosure Update: Complexity In the Event Of Multiple Loan Servicers
A recent Wisconsin appeals court case emphasizes the sum of the evidentiary issues and requirements that a lender must deal with in obtaining summary judgment in the event of a mortgage foreclosure, particularly in situations where the loan has been sold and a succession of loan servicers have handled the […]

Ten-year Embezzlement Operation Unveiled: The Koss Corp. vs. Park Bank Decision
A recent Wisconsin supreme court decision reviewed the duties a bank has to prevent embezzlement from a customer’s bank account committed by an officer of the customer. In Koss Corp. v. Park Bank, v. Michael J. Koss, Grant Thornton LLP., Koss Corp. sought to collect millions of dollars in damages […]

I Have Underinsured Motorist Insurance, Don’t I?
In my over 25 years of practice as a personal injury attorney, I have had to break the news to many clients that while they may have Underinsured Motorist (UIM) coverage on paper, they actually have no additional coverage. An individual takes out Underinsured Motorist Coverage to help cover their […]

Jason Goldstein Receives Client Champion Award
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce that family law attorney Jason Goldstein was recently named a “2018 Client Champion” by Martindale-Hubbell. The award is based on a client satisfaction demonstrated by Jason’s stellar client online reviews. Congratulations, Jason!

Darla Krzoska Receives 2018 “10 Best Attorneys” Award
Bosshard Parke Ltd. is pleased to announce that real estate and estate planning attorney Darla Krzoska was recently chosen to receive the 2018 “10 Best Attorney” award for the state of Wisconsin by the American Institute of Legal Counsel, an impartial third-party attorney ratings service. The recognition acknowledges Krzoska’s excellent […]